I got my BS in Dietetics from Florida State University, but after graduation I decided to pursue a career as a professional runner instead of getting my certification and starting to practice as a dietitian. Nutrition is still a passion of mine, so for an ongoing segment of my newsletter I’m calling “Ask the Dietitian,” we get to do just that. I’ve teamed up with a few professionals and given my fans the opportunity (via my IG) to ask them questions related to nutrition.


Ask the dietitian, Lisa Braden

  • What is the best way to deal with cravings?

  • What is the best mix of proteins, carbs, and fats (macros) for runners?

  • How do I stay satiated on a plant-based diet?

  • Is it bad to eat fruit because of all of the sugar in it?

If these questions apply to you…

Ask the nutritionist, Lindsey Elizabeth

  • Do you generally eat the same amount of calories each day when you are in a hard training cycle or do you eat more on hard days and less on easy days?

  • How many calories should I eat in a day if I’m a teen girl and running an average of 6 miles a day

  • What are the best foods to stay full? I’m always hungry again like an hour after a meal.

If these questions apply to you…


Ask the Dietitian, Lisa braden

  • I am injured and can’t run, how do I manage eating on a rest day or during off season?

  • Are carbs really bad for breakfast?

  • What is your opinion about eating multivitamins? Do we eat enough or should we supplement with them?

  • Are beets really as beneficial as everyone says they are for runners?

If these questions apply to you…

Are you a dietitian who works with runners? Would you like to be a part of my “Ask the Nutritionist” segment of my newsletter! Let me know!